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A Club For All Seasons

2020-2021 Ski Season

Breckenridge, CO - March 27 - April 3, 2021 (Was January 23rd - 30th)     Flyer

Breckenridge YouTube Channel

Cost changing due to COVID/Rescheduling (check with trip leaders) includes: Seven nights Ski-in/Ski-out at the Beaver Run Resort, Air, Bus transfers including tip, and 5 of 6 day lift ticket

Quebec City Winter Carnival - February 4-11, 2021 (Canceled)     Flyer

Sainte-Anne Trail Map     Stoneham Trail Map

Cost $860 includes: Lodging at the Marriott Quebec City, Air, and Winter Carnival Pass.  See flyer for info on lifts and land only options.

Telluride, CO (Blue Ridge Winter Carnival) - February 6-13, 2021     Flyer

Cost changing due to COVID (check with trip leaders) includes: Seven nights Ski-in/Ski-out at the Mountainside Inn, Air on Southwest, Bus transfers, and 5 of 10 day ticket.

Telluride YouTube Channel

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