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A Club For All Seasons

BRSC - Blue Ridge Ski Council

What is the BRSC

The Blue Ridge Ski Council is an organization of member Ski Clubs throughout the Mid-Atlantic States.  The BRSC generally holds three trips per year and members receive reciprocal access to trips of other member clubs. The three BRSC trips are displayed on the Frederick Ski Club Events calendar. These trips are:

    • Western Carnival: A ski trip to a resort in the Western U.S. or Canada.
    • Winterfest: A bus or self-drive ski trip to New England or Eastern Canada.
    • Eurofest: A ski trip to Europe that usually has pre and/or post trip extensions.  Note that in some years, Eurofest becomes Asiafest and the destination is Japan.

The BRSC website is available at the following link:

The BRSC is a member of the National Ski Council Federation.

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